Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find frequently asked questions about WIS in regards to our admissions process, academic program, and community. For additional questions, please contact communication@wis.edu.sb
From Kindergarten- Year 5 we use the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP).
Year 6- 8 are using Cambridge Lower Secondary
Year 9-10 Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate in Secondary Education)
Year 11- 12 Cambridge Advanced (A) Levels
The school offers a variety of ECAs each term, which are run by staff or parent volunteers. They range from subject support classes to sports, ICT, music and art and crafts. The ECAs run from week 2- 8 each term and are from Tuesday - Thursday.
In the Primary school the single subjects are:
1) Information Communication Technology (ICT)
2) Visual Arts
3) Music
4) Physical Education (PE)
5) Library
6) Mandarin (Years 2- 8 only)In Middle school the single subjects are:
1) Information Communication Technology (ICT)
2) Visual Arts
3) Music
4) Physical Education (PE)
5) Mandarin (Years 2- 8 only)
Students need to wear WIS uniform and modest clothing when not in uniform, as well as closed-toe shoes. Students are not allowed to wear slippers/flip flops to school. Sports shoes need to be worn during PE lessons.
In the primary school, students do not need to bring anything to school. All books, exercise books and stationery items are provided. If a students brings stationery items in they need to be clearly labeled with the students’s name.
Students in secondary school need to bring a device such as a laptop or tablet to store e-books. They also need to bring pens and pencils and a scientific calculator. Exercise books and text books are provided by the school.
The school has a support team “WEST” (Woodford Educational Support Team) which consists currently of a Special Educational Support (SEN) Coordinator, English as a Second Language (ESOL) teacher, and supported by a teaching assistant.
*Behavior is the responsibility on the Primary and Secondary Principals (pastoral care) unless it is associated with a learning need.
School starts at 8:20 am and finishes at 3:00 pm. Extra Curricular activities (ECA’s) run from 3:10- 4:00 pm on Tuesdays - Thursdays.
We have a canteen onsite (the tuck shop) available at school which is open from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. Food for recess and lunch have to be ordered in the classrooms. Each classroom has a basket for the tuck shop that is handed in before recess and lunch.
Students in primary school do not need phones, unless specifically directed in Year 5 during the PYP exhibition research period.
Middle and high school students need a laptop or Chromebook as part of our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Phones and tablets are only used in class when the respective teacher has given permission for the students to use them.

We would love to connect with you
Whether you are a prospective family or just wanting to learn more about our school, we are happy to connect.